Garnet Hill Partnership

As of August 1, 2017, Together She Can has begun a partnership with retail leader Garnet Hill. Garnet Hill's corporate headquarters in Exeter New Hampshire will be holding an ongoing toiletry drive. A representative from Garnet Hill will be dropping off the donated goods to Together She Can for packaging and distribution. Garnet Hill and Together She Can strive to support and encourage inner and outer beauty among women.

Rosie's Place Partnership

Together She Can began a partnership with Rosie's Place women's shelter. Together She Can will run Beauty & Meditation days for the overnight program on the third Saturday of every month. Program will include: Spa Treatments, drinks, and treats! All participants will receive free toiletry gift bags. Together She Can will also contribute toiletry gift bags to Rosie's Place day programs.

The Bold & Beautiful Women Circle

Together She Can partnered with The Bold & Beautiful Women Circle to host a Boston-wide toiletry drive. The Bold and Beautiful Women Circle organized drop-off locations with:

  • Mildred Ave Community Center

  • Dorchester YMCA

  • Next Level Factory

  • TD Zumba.

The toiletry drive ran for 1 month after which The Bold and Beautiful Women Circle volunteers dropped off the toiletries items they gathered with Together She Can for packaging and distribution. The Bold and Beautiful Women Circle and Together She Can work to inspire and support the growth and wellbeing of women in the Boston community.

Women's Lunch Place Partnership

Together She Can began a partnership with Women's Lunch Place. Together She Can will run programs for the women on the third Saturday of every month. Program topics will include:

  • Résumé Building

  • Interview Training

  • Skill Focusing

  • Guided Meditation and more!

All participants will receive free toiletry gift bags. Together She Can will also contribute products to Women's Lunch Place's annual events!